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    Marketing and Mass Media Seminar

    Marketing and Mass Media Seminar


    Seminar participants should hold key positions within their National Federation in regard to marketing and/or mass media related matters.


    The topics to be covered in the seminar include:

    · Seminar Introduction

    - Formal opening

    - Personal introductions

    - The IAAF-philosophy and structure

    · Marketing the IAAF

    - The importance of developing the IAAF brand

    - Corporate identity

    - Corporate image

    - Target groups

    - Partners

    - Co-operation with a marketing and television agency

    · Competitions: the Number 1 Product of Athletics

    - Features of a good competition

    - Video analysis: positive and negative aspects of an athletic event

    · Marketing the Sport

    - The relationship of the economy, television and sport

    - Sport sponsorship: definition and characteristics

    - Creating a new event

    - The structure and organisation of an athletic federation

    - The federation’s marketing structure and concept

    · Olympic Marketing

    - Targets

    - Structure and concept

    - Development

    - Challenges for the development of the IAAF’s marketing

    · Television

    - Importance to the IAAF

    - The role of television in selected countries

    - Television sponsorship and advertising

    - Targets of television

    - What can athletics offer television

    - The economic cycle of television

    · New Media

    - The importance of the Internet and an intranet for the IAAF

    - Characteristics of a athletics federation homepage

    · Overview

    - The influence of social changes on sport

    - The competition system

    - The management of athletics events

    · Applications

    - Sponsorship monitoring and measurement methods

    - The checklist as an organisational technique

    · Seminar Wrap-up

    - Discussion

    - Evaluation

    - Formal closing

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